Brace Yourself! (a review)

There came a point in reading Keely Parrack’s YA thriller Don’t Let in the Cold (Sourcebooks) that I found myself huddled under a blanket. Yes, I was dressed for winter. Yes, the heater in the house functioned just fine. It was… Wait. I should give you a little plot here. Seventeen-year-old Lottie is being deposited… Continue reading Brace Yourself! (a review)

Murder, Anyone?

While I prefer to talk about books that might not make it to your radar, this time I’m going against that grain. It’s been a very busy travel summer—long plane rides, solid downtime, an unexpected 7.5-hour delay in a Paris train station. So, knowing the unpredictability of transportation, I chose to travel with a couple… Continue reading Murder, Anyone?

A Cup of Murder, Anyone?

Sometimes, you need to settle in with a cozy book and maybe a cup of tea. Or a fast read to make your flight (I took a flight!) speed by. Enter Pride and Premeditation (Harper Teen, 2021) by Tirzah Price, a fun spin on – you guessed it – Pride and Prejudice. And that’s exactly… Continue reading A Cup of Murder, Anyone?

Luckily… (a review)

Here it is. A book that was SO written for me!There’s mystery, intrigue, tons of WHAT THE #@*$ for the main character. Oh, and puzzles! It’s a book I would have read and reread as a kid, and I would reread it now, but my To Be Read pile is stacked way too high. Luckily… Continue reading Luckily… (a review)

First Up in My Genre of Choice

Growing up, I couldn’t get enough Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Encyclopedia Brown…Then, because YA wasn’t yet a big thing, I launched directly into Agatha Christie and continued to gobble up a huge variety of mysteries and thrillers. So, I’ve been asked, if I’ve always gravitated toward those genres, why don’t I write in them? Honestly,… Continue reading First Up in My Genre of Choice

Speaking for Coo

Dear Teachers, Librarians, Parents;Dear Aunts, Uncles, Friends;Dear Anyone In a Position to Influence the Children of this World, Coo.It’s a book. It’s a main character.It’s also pigeon-speak.In sum, they tell a wonderful, beautiful, engrossing story that’s also extraordinarily suited to help people of all ages — ALL ages — understand the concept of empathy even… Continue reading Speaking for Coo