Welcome to a book review in three parts. Part One concerns the reason why I even chose to read this book. Part Two introduces my skepticism about this choice. Part Three finally tells you what I think about it. Enjoy the backstory; enjoy the book. PART ONE Travel to Florida with me, about 6 years… Continue reading A Book Review; But First, Backstory
Lightning Girl! Whether You Love Math or Not
Once upon a time, I secretly loved math. I was good at it. And just last month, I wished I had kept up some of my skills, particularly in geometry. It would have served me well in revising my work-in-progress. Here was my problem: If Linc walks 504 feet along the perimeter of a circle… Continue reading Lightning Girl! Whether You Love Math or Not
Last Boy? Why? (A Review)
First there was the title: The Last Boy at St. Edith’s. Then came the rush of questions; among them: Who was the first boy? Why is there a last? And if this was the only boy, why would he stay at an all-girls’ school? If that wasn’t enough to make me read, I had a… Continue reading Last Boy? Why? (A Review)
The Gollywhopper Games Is 10!
To celebrate 10 year of The Gollywhopper Games and to thank teachers & librarians & media specialists & parents & especially readers for joining in the fun of the story, let’s bring on some prizes! I’ll be drawing 10 names from all entries received by 11:59 CST, February 28. GRAND PRIZE (1 winner): A Gollywhopper… Continue reading The Gollywhopper Games Is 10!
Mark Twain Lives!
Where to start reviewing this book? I’ll start by announcing the title: The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine by Mark Twain and Philip Stead with illustrations by Rebecca Stead. That was easy, but what should I tell you next? I could continue with the difference between Here and There. Or with the story itself, based in… Continue reading Mark Twain Lives!
Hungry For Fun?
Happy New Year! I just realized I’ve yet to review a relatively new series of wonderful and cute and lovely books starring the inimitable Jasmine Toguchi. And what a perfect time! (You’ll see why below.) The first book in the series – Jasmine Toguchi: Mochi Queen – centers around Jasmine’s determination to be a standout… Continue reading Hungry For Fun?
A Bear and a Daring Young Girl
It’s holiday time! And present time! (As in gifts.) For kids, your thoughts might immediately race to toys, games, electronics. And books, of course; funny, colorful picture books for the younger ones, right? Sure, pick some with pigeons or elephants or crayons. But don’t forget the ones that pack more than their weight in satisfaction… Continue reading A Bear and a Daring Young Girl
A Thriller!
If you’ve ever sat with a bird’s-eye view at any sporting event–and today, let’s call it a soccer game–you’ve probably witnessed players from different teams and from all parts of the field converging on the ball. Maybe you predicted who’d get there first or noticed a player who was sure s/he’d get the next kick,… Continue reading A Thriller!
A Whole New School Year (In Reality and In Fiction)
School’s in session! Nationwide, yes, but also in this utterly endearing book. I pulled A Whole New Ballgame from the bookstore shelf much earlier in the year, when I started my self-directed, middle-grade, humor-novel study. I’d read a good amount of my new collection, but took a break to write—to write funnier, I hope. You’ll… Continue reading A Whole New School Year (In Reality and In Fiction)
A Universal Recommendation
I’ve learned to listen to the universe. Maybe it’s not speaking specifically to me when it seems to keep repeating itself, but when the message is interesting, why not pay attention? First though, let me backtrack several decades ago. When I was 12 years old, after I’d exhausted our extensive (and perhaps, to that date,… Continue reading A Universal Recommendation